Food Tolerances
We use one of the international gold standard laboratories to offer reproducible and accurate tests that measure food-specific IgG antibodies or food intolerances. There is a lot of confusion about the terms food intolerance versus food allergy. Many people might think they have a food allergy when their symptoms could merely suggest a food intolerance. Up to 45% of the population suffer from food intolerance, which despite not being life-threatening, can have a negative impact on many aspects of daily life. When foods and drinks are digested, the proteins within them are broken down into smaller fragments for easy absorption into the body. Larger fragments can pass through without breaking down, and sometimes the body reacts to them as invaders, attacking them using antibodies called Immunoglobulin G (IgG). This can cause inflammation and a wide range of symptoms including headaches, digestive problems, irritable bowel, bloating, itchy skin, joint pain, weight gain and low mood, to name a few. A basic analogy would be, instead of your body interpreting the milk you drank as a good and nutritional beverage, the gut will interpret it as a dangerous cleaning material. This will “burn” (cause an inflammatory response) of the gut and subsequently cause some or many of the symptoms listed below.
Our Procedure
Draw Blood
A few drops of blood are taken using our simple finger prick blood collection wick system.
Send Samples
Because the finger prick system is so easy to use, the sample can be taken anywhere.
Dr. Receives Samples
We usually take it at the doctor’s rooms to ensure the best blood collection.
Back to Laboratory
The sample is then posted back to the laboratory, tested and analysed for IgG antibody reactions to more than 150 to 200 food and drink ingredients.
Clear colour coded test results and a support pack are delivered back to you that explain your food and drink intolerances.
Incorporated to diet
Once you have the food intolerance culprits, we start eliminating them from the diet. Within days to weeks you will feel better and weight will start to improve.